Reflections on space

Corban Walker tells Brian McAvera of the inherent conundrum in his practice. ‘How do you use a transparent material or a transparent form to articulate volume?’

Reflections on space


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Brian McAvera: Corban, in your sculptures and installations you use a diverse range of materials: glass, stainless steel, LED, aluminium, slate, wood and vinyl. Which comes first, the idea or your choice of materials?

Corban Walker: Generally, the way it works for me is that ideas lead the form, from one to the next, through to the realisation of the work. I do like to alternate materials as it keeps everything in flux. I’m working with metals at the moment. The choice of material changes and is dependent on what each has to offer and my urge to learn about it. I am interested in how a material can be pushed and I always want to bring it back to a simple form.

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